Therapist / Member Profile

Nuala O Rourke

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Hello everyone,

My name is Nuala O'Rourke and I am based in Dublin where I specialise in Carniosacral Therapy - and also practice as a reflexologist and Swedish masseuse.

As one of my most gifted mentors so aptly put it "craniosacral therapy is like yoga from the inside" - these are Sannovasser's words not mine but I do really think that this really sums up the craniosacral therapy so well.

What I love about Craniosacral Therapy is that it treats the whole body. My patients range from one week old twins to teenagers right through to people in the eighties. I have and continue to find this amazing therapy so fascinating as one learns from the patients and clients that come so it is a two-way system. I also am working as an energy cone therapist.

The beautify of craniosacral work is that one is working with the nervous system. When cerebral spinal fluid is released correctly through working on the spinal cord (which is attached at the sacrum and again at the vertebrae in the neck) the effect enhances other systems in the body such as the immune system, the kidneys the musculoskeletal, the blood vascular system and they lymphatics and respiratory systems.

It also may have an emotional somatic release on some shock or latent trauma in the body. It can help with viral and even in cancer cases.

I have found CST to be especiallly helpful with babies who may have had a difficult birth and could be suffering from conditions such as torticollis or colic.

It has been excellent in assisting with sinusitis and tinnitus often when used in conjunction with reflexology.

Craniosacral therapy is also most helpful when mothers are expecting - particularly with the first baby it helps to ease any anxieties or fears that they may have.

The other lovely thing about CST is that the patient is in charge - here we the therapist are just the helpers, the facilitators.

One can use this therapy on horses and dogs in fact I truly believe that is is most suitable for all living creatures.

I do hope that this little summary of the wonders of Craniosacral Therapy - and my own experience - will encourage you to have a session. Personally I am a real believer and am so glad that I have had the joy of receiving and giving and learning from Dr. John Upledger.

I qualified with CST in 2002 and then went to the highest level of qualfication (Diploma) in 2007. I started studying CST in 1995 and got totally hooked on this wonderful gentle therapy. I combine it with reflexology and remedial massage and find that these work really well together. I have studied with the Upledger Institute in Ireland, England and the USA - mostly in Florida.

If you are Irish based and thinking of becoming a CST practitioner the courses are now in Ireland so you will not have to travel so far. I have enjoyed all of my training and experiences so far.

May the force be with you! Nuala


St Anthonys
93 Woodley Park
Dublin 14



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